Originally Posted by Darth Michael
EW: That and he stole her story.
LOIS: I might have been forgive one of those things, but not both.
CLARK: Why I plan to never steal her story.
LOIS: /grumble/
CLARK: dizzy Did Lois just say she'd rather I steal her story than give her a good time?
LOIS: No. NO! I didn't like your use of the words "plan to".

Originally Posted by Michael
And how would Lois find out about Carlos? And why would Carlos give up his calling for Lois?
LOIS: Did the EW just insult me? *TWICE*?
[Linked Image]

EW: In this country you can sue someone over anything, it doesn't mean you'll win.
LEX: That’s what I have my lawyers for. They will memorize the jury members and provide this information to my other associates.
I didn't say that the system doesn't have flaws.

EW: She really doesn't understand men in their 20s, does she?
ER: Does anyone, really?
That's not saying much for guys in their 20s, is it?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.