To be honest, I've never been particularly interested in Krypton. For me, its purpose is to serve as a launching point for Kal-El. Period. Anything else is a diversion from the story I am interested in. So when I had first heard of the proposed new show, I hadn't been at all excited by the prospect. Now that Virginia's given her assessment of the SyFy channel, I am even less interested.

I don't get any TV channels coming into my home, but I do look up some shows for online streaming. Unless this show, once aired, is well received here, I don't think I'll even bother checking out the pilot online.

But for all of that, I hope that the show proves to be excellent and popular. Maybe it will be the gateway for some people to discover the greater Superman-verse, as L&C was for me. And that would be a good thing!
