Will you put out a thread for each story or one thread where we can put the discussions of all stories together? We are kind of in uncharted waters here...

Indeed, we are in uncharted waters. I think a thread for each story would be best, though. Any thoughts on this, anyone?

I doubt I'll have time to read even one. I haven't even finished Nan's long one for November, "Halloween". As I mentioned before, during November and December most of us are too busy with RL to have time to read more than one story, let alone discuss it. People might have more time to contribute to such a discussion early in the year as opposed to during the holidays. During November and December, I personally like to read short holiday based fics, but that just may be me.

I haven’t had much time to read most of our recent fanfic club stories, either.

We could read a total of 4 stories, having the two stories that are under 50K as our short stories and another two long stories from the list chosen by a poll like we usually do. The question is, though, even if we take two months to do this, will people be too busy with the holiday season to read anything?