Just dropping in to remind everyone of the title. I should, I suppose, have been more specific in my first comment, so let me be so now. This is a recounting of some of the important moments in the lives of our favorite couple, not a direct retelling of the series arc and the years beyond. So please don't be surprised if there appear to be gaps in the narrative. We'll fill in the holes as we go along.

Groobie, thanks for the vote of confidence. My main purpose with the poker game was to establish Lois' uncertain emotional state regarding Clark, but it could easily be a metaphor for the entire tale. You'd have to stretch it a bit, but it could be done.

So you saw the author's name and aren't surprised at the rocks? I guess I really do have a reputation to uphold.

Virginia, the other reason I brought in the poker game was to have a starting place at TOGOM, the story with so many rewrites it should have its own website. Sharon is, to my knowledge, an original character brought in to show Lois' state of mind toward Clark. And the dead man's hand was my history nerd showing. It wasn't intended to be a warning for anything.

My betas are working on the final quarter of the story, which came out to 14 parts plus prologue and epilogue. I plan to post a part every four to six days, depending on what else jumps up in front of me and screams for my attention. I'll try very hard not to leave any big gaps between chapters.

I'll confess now that I originally planned a story about 25K words. I should have known it would grow to nearly 70K. My supporting characters often push forward and demand more screen time, and usually they're right.

And thanks for not putting pressure on me.

Morgana, be careful and observe the buoys. The bottom can be treacherous.

Thanks for writing, y'all!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing