This is a long-arc tale beginning with "That Old Gang Of Mine" and stretching out way beyond the end of the series. There is angst, joy, pain, a soft WHAM - by that I mean that it doesn't appear suddenly out of the blue - Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle, Lucy Lane, and kids. Consider yourselves warned.

I want to give my team of betas the highest praise. They are, in no particular order, IolantheAlias, scifiJoan, Mozartmaid, and metro.chumpy. These folks have battled through rewrites, tears, long-winded explanations from the author, and their own Real Life problems to help me make this story better. If you like a particular passage, you can lay nickles to noodles that one or more of them had a positive impact on the tale and the manner of its telling.

I invite you to dive in. Just remember that there are rocks below the surface.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing