Appreciate the long part? Appreciate the long part?! How can I appreciate the long part when every perfectly written sentence makes me want to crumple up and cry my eyes out?!? razz ]

This is just so wonderful. Really, really, really wonderful. I adored it all, so it's difficult to pick out favourite parts, but here -

She was a quivering wreck. If it wasn’t for Clark, she’d be a useless lump of cowering jelly on the floor. As it was, she was a useless lump of cowering jelly in his arms.
- made me laugh and cry at the same time, and here -

“I’m not giving up,” she told him, speaking quietly. “But I’m not going to fool myself, either. He was right. This is my last big story, and I’m not going to be around to see it in print.” The lump in her throat she thought she’d got rid of was back. “Maybe I should start writing it - at least then I’ll get a byline on it.”

“Lois, don’t!” The pain in Clark’s voice was a wake-up call. She wasn’t the only one suffering here. And, while he was trying to be strong for her, he needed someone to be strong for him, too.

And that was her job. Had always been her job. She was his best friend, after all.
Oh. My. God. Ohmygod. Words leave me. whinging

Sara [bottom lip wobbling, supply of tissues exhausted, hands shaking as hard as poor, pooooooooor Lois's...]

Death: Easy, Bill. You'll give yourself a heart attack and ruin my vacation.

Meet Joe Black