Reading this story makes me realize just how much further I have to go as a writer. Each scene is crafted with such care and insight this reader actually feels like a 'fly on the wall'.

Clark sighed and leaned against the wall, closing his eyes for a moment. He knew that sooner or later he needed to make a decision. Coming to Metropolis had seemed like a good idea at the time – he was not so sure anymore. This city was just too much. There was always someone crying for help, always some minor or major disaster that begged for his attention. The harder he fought to ignore this ever present noise the worse it got. Clark’s conscience would not let him turn a deaf ear to all this pain, enhancing every single cry a million times until he hardly slept anymore.

This Clark is very different from canon. He is impatient and not sure if Metropolis is where he wants to be. In the pilot he knew this city was going to be his home. A lot of that would definitely have to do with his lodgings. Living on the edge like that would depress anyone.

He's also building up quite a file on Lex. cool He knows that man is bad news even before putting on the suit! This story is awesome!

Jonathan Kent visibly relaxed in his chair. It pained Clark to even imagine his parents might feel threatened by him. He felt sick to his stomach as he looked at his mother, who he had almost attacked, if only in words. He shrunk in on himself and dug his hands deep into the pockets of his trousers. His mother on the other hand remained where she was, one hand on his shoulder, completely unfazed. In her presence, Clark often felt as if he had no superpowers at all. His mother was so much stronger.

It is so unusual to even imagine Martha and Jonathan afraid of their son. Love how Martha is referred to as being superhuman, although many of us FoLCs consider her Supermom!

Yeah Clark, give this Lane woman a chance ....


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.