Whoo hoo, more feedback smile

Morgana: Thanks for continuing to read.
The dinner between Lois and Clark was very romantic, it gave us a chance to see these two people in a more relaxed setting.
I thought it was fitting that Lois made dinner for Superman after all even though she didn't know it. Plus, it continued the theme of them having dinner together while working on the story.

The dinner was nice, and some of it remind me of their first date in canon.
I did try to weave some of the conversation from their first date in to this scene so that anyone who knows cannon, which I assumed was almost everyone here, would see it as an official date.

Artemis: It is crazy how fast it goes. My oldest turns 4 this month and is going in to pre-school. I ask myself how is it that he's already going to school?
My mother and my son had the same birthday until she passed in 2008. That was always a special time for the two of them and they enjoyed it.
How sweet. My sister and mother-in-law share the same birthday just 40 years apart. Every year on their birthday all the women go to Benihanna's for girls night out.

Thanks everyone for the congrats on the baby. He's doing great. He started sleeping through the night at 5 weeks all on his own. The only difficult part is that he rarely takes a bottle and as a working mom, I end up doing a lot of driving back and forth to feed him. I can't wait to start him on real food so dad can feed him while I'm at work.

The next chapter will be posted shortly.