Originally Posted by Darth Michael
Hi Vic!
Long! Don't be getting me confused with Virgiana! LOL.
lol 18-parts is a nice, long story. Okay, you parts a bit shorter than the old 4000 words/part average, aren’t they? Anyhow, it’s still tons of fluffy banter hyper
Well, they seem to get longer as the story goes on. The first few chapters are gradual set-up. It always seems to work that way for me. LOL.

He had no regrets over choosing to be a bachelor. None.

He doesn't. *raises eyebrows* Really!
/squints/ Okay.
*whistles* Can't understand why you don't believe me.

Well, I guess that would put him quite a bit further up her list than 'whatshisname'.
She does seem easy to please.
Lois, easy to please!!!! What?

Thanks Michael. I'll get to your following FDKs soon.
You’re welcome and I hope you enjoy smile1

wave Michael
Thanks. smile

Lois: "You put up with me for the same reason I put up with you. It's because I'm completely in love with you."
Clark: "And I love you ... Did we just make up?"
Lois: "I think so."