I began thinking about this overnight (not a good sign folks). I am assuming this is the series timeline that Lois has not been thrown into another timeline. Evidently Charlotte knew Lois before she died in this timeline based on her calling her Grams which I assume was probably what she called her when she was little. Once Lois determined that Clark obviously came back from New Krypton based on the Great-grand kids being there, why has she not asked about Clark? Even though Lois has not been through BY yet and does not realize that Clark will outlive her by a substantial amount I am amazed that she has not inquired as to their outcomes. I mean this is Lois Lane one of the most inquisitive people in fiction history and not one question about her and Clark's life and/or the history of the invasion that she had not experienced yet either (not to mention the statement about the 'first' invasion). Maybe shock and maybe she will pump Jordan this evening once they get alone?

Just seemed odd to me.


Create all the happiness you are able to create.
Remove all the misery you are able to remove.

Jeremy Bentham