Very good story. You have me hooked. I want to read more.

“Oh.” Clark tried to temper the sudden burst of jealousy burning a hole in his stomach. He refused to think about how familiar it felt. “This Superman, he sounds like he means a lot to you.”

“Superman means a lot to everybody, Clark.”

Her words did little to reassure him. He wondered, briefly, if that was where she turned after he’d... but he quashed the thought violently.
So sad. Luckily, you didn't do him see on TV the kiss Lois and Superman shared in front of the reporters just before he go intercept Nightfall.

His heart was aching as he started to accept the evidence. His marriage... his life was falling apart because he’d been a bastard of the worse kind.
I feel so bad for Clark... Keep it that way, and you will make me cry before long.

"Please, Lois," he begged. "I need you."
Wow. The amnesia is a good thing for Clark, finally. He would never had said such a thing if he was truly himself. I'm glad he said that to Lois.

Her face softened and she let out a long breath. "I'll stay if you need me, Clark."

Clark smiled as he leaned down slowly, his eyes never leaving hers. He brushed his lips against hers gently, softly, barely a whisper of a touch. Their first kiss. Their thousandth kiss. He let it linger... the feel of her lips, the softness... the warmth was so familiar, so comforting, and yet so new and exciting. Intoxicating. He pulled back, and she followed him. Her hand wound into his hair, pulling him back to her, her lips fierce against his. He could taste her desperation, feel her need. Clark let the fire that was building in him take control, let his hands slip around the back of her head, let himself meet his wife's passion and let the world melt away.
So sweet... Really great scene, very emotional.

He nodded his head silently and a grin slowly spread across his face. He closed his eyes, focusing on the flickering beam... he remembered... a cosy house that smelt of baking treats and a small, smiling woman, mouthing her praise for his wife. His mother. He remembered his mother. “She told me.”
I'm glad he remember his mother. Clark loves his parents so much that he can't forget them, just like he can't forget Lois. Love is in his essence.

“Clark... you and me... we’re not...” She paused, swallowing. “Clark, we’re *not* married.”

He opened his mouth, ready to... *needing* to deny her words, but his breath caught in his throat...

Not married.

The echo of the quiet words was deafening. He stood up, shaking his head, even as his heart was shattering. “But I *remember*.”
Oh god. I can feel the distress of Clark when Lois told him the truth. He wanted so badly his dream to be true, even if he could forgive himself to have cheaten on her.

Clark looked up as she inhaled sharply. Silent tears were sliding down her cheeks... He’d made her cry. He dropped his eyes to the hand still covering his chest, unable to face her tears.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered, pulling her into his arms. “Please, don’t cry.”
He closed his eyes as her hesitant whisper reached his ears. “Were you happy about the baby, Clark?”

He nodded his head. His son. Their son. The son... who’d never be born.

He didn’t want to believe it.
Okay, you win. I'm crying, now. That scene is so sad, and so powerful.

They might not have been married, but the emotion he felt for this woman... was real.

The air rushed out of his lungs and his shoulders slumped as the memory of her voice echoed through his head.

‘Don’t fall for me, farm boy.’

They were never married.

‘Don’t fall for me.’

But he had.
Oh, wonderful writing.

“No, we’re not married, and we’re... there’s no baby, but... it’s a beautiful dream, Clark. I... I almost wish it were true.”
And beautiful ending. I wish it were true too.

Please, more soon.