Emily and Caitlin's relationship reminds me of Lois and Lucy's, should Lois had to take care of Lucy due to her parents' death. I wonder what happened to Emily's dad and Caitlin's mom (or was it the other way around?)

Poor Kara. What a horrible situation to be thrown into. So sad that she never really had friends in school because of her interest in math and science. frown I hope she's able to find a niche in this dimension that she wasn't able to find in the other.

Kara answered haltingly. “Well, umm, I… I like, umm, math and science, and… reading books, I guess.” She glanced anxiously at Caitlin, then continued, “Umm, I like to do gymnastics, too, and I’m in the Girl Scouts.” She thought for a while. “My dad’s parents have a farm in Kansas and we go there for a couple of weeks every summer. I like taking care of the animals and riding horses.” She looked at Caitlin again, and seeing a smile answered with a tentative one of her own.

“Are there any TV shows you like?”

“We mostly watch movies instead of TV, but my dad and mom and brother like watching sports, and I watch cartoons with my sister Saturday mornings. Mom and Dad like Doctor Who, and they let me watch sometimes if it’s not too scary. I like it.”
So, she has an older brother and a younger sister. Martha and Jonathan are still around. thumbsup I've never been able to get into Dr. Who, but I'm curious what Clark would think about it.

Her dream sounds like memories of being in the womb, which would be odd memories to have at this age. Odder still that these memories frightened her. I thought at first that she was whimpering because she heard Caitlin call her "insane".

As Kara dreamt, inside her cells tiny organelles reawakened — structures that were both technology and biology. Deprived of their usual energy source, they drew on their host’s chemical energy. They reached out to one another, forming a network that, while not a full, self-aware A.I., was more than a mindless machine.

Its purpose was to assist and protect its host. It did this by manipulating both subspace and the boundary between subspace and normal spacetime. That did not seem to be possible at the moment: the boundary was not behaving as it should, and the network could not reach through it to subspace.

The network set about investigating the curious situation in which its host found herself. It began by probing and analyzing the boundary.
I don't know what to make of this. I don't like the idea of Clark's powers coming from Kryptonian AI. It makes him sound like a science experiment. Why wasn't the AI working properly? Was it because she was in a dimension with no Krypton? But, then again, there was no longer any Krypton in canon dimension either, so that couldn't be it. I'm curious to see where you're headed with this. Will her powers not develop because of being in this odd dimension which doesn't react properly with her AI, or will she develop them faster?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.