Yay, more high school hijinks. [Linked Image]

Apparently Clark hadn’t been involved in any of the fights; Lois wasn’t surprised. There’d been a big enough crowd watching the fight on Friday night that no one was likely to try anything with him.
Aha. I'd forgotten there was a crowd watching the fight. The stories running around school make more sense now.

"Do I look like the kind of guy who could beat up six football players at the same time?”

“I’m seen your record,” Principal Hardwick said dryly. “Anybody able to set fire to a toilet has to be endlessly creative.”
rotflol How on earth did Lois keep a straight face at that! Not even a snicker! (And I'd imagine it's actually relatively easy, I can think of several flammable liquids any high schooler could snitch from a chem lab. Not that that's what Clark did, of course... though now that I'm thinking about it, who pissed him off enough in the BATHROOM that he lit a toilet on fire? splat)

Clark shook his head. “I’m just saying that it’ll die down as soon as people see that the team is still on top. I can promise you I’m not going to do anything to jeopardize that.”

“You really are a little sociopath,” Principal Hardwick said, but his expression was more relaxed.
[Linked Image] Clark really can't win for losing, can he?

And good grief, that principal is WAY out of line making a comment like that in front of another student. I really don't like this Hardwick guy.

Maybe football scandals weren’t the best story to lead with when applying for her internship. There were real scandals out in the world and suddenly football seemed pretty small.
Ah, Lois. Start small, girl, you're not ready for the big leagues quite yet! You'll get there soon enough.

Though she's certainly getting a big dose of reality this week, isn't she.

“The guy’s got a reputation around town,” Louie admitted. “Guys who try to lean on him, accidents seem to happen.” ...

“What do you think?”

“Most guys think he’s a jinx.” Louie said. He brought the shot glass to his lips and tilted his head back. “Me, I just try to stay as far away from him as possible.”
[Linked Image] Wow. Wasn't expecting Louie to have a low opinion of Clark. Although, from the sounds of things, some of these "accidents" may have happened to Louie's clients, in which case... well. Just wasn't expecting that.

Oddly, Louie’s advice only made her feel a little more drawn to him. Lois had never been one to follow parental advice, especially considering the parents she had.
[Linked Image] Lois!!! *sigh* It's a good thing WE know Clark has a good heart!

Looking forward to #13!