It was pretty smooth the way Clark handled the principal's questions. Whether the school can discipline a student for things that happen off campus is still an issue these days. Asking whether the principal wants to be responsible for everything every student does all the time is a pretty good counter-argument.

I'm guessing that there will be a next time and that Clark won't be able to talk his way out of it.

I'm glad that we are finding out about Clark's current arrangement and what happened back in Kansas. I had no idea that statutes of limitations stop counting down when a person leaves the state. It makes me wonder whether Clark knows that. After all, he had commented that he wished that he could have gone a few more months without an incident, which would put him at the end of the statute of limitations if he hadn't left Kansas, not at when his being an adult invalidates it, right?

Regarding Clark hitting that boy, I assume that he was defending someone else, probably a younger foster sibling.

"It is a remarkable dichotomy. In many ways, Clark is the most human of us all. Then...he shoots fire from the skies, and it is difficult not to think of him as a god. And how fortunate we all are that it does not occur to him." -Batman (in Superman/Batman #3 by Jeph Loeb)