If this is what they meant by 'no rest for the wicked'... well then... devil

Didn’t the hospital understand that this was an emergency? A genuine life and death situation?
No, hospitals have no experience with those. <g>

Very nice place to pick up the story, Wendy. Yes, unplanned, but... still, very nicely executed.

For her next trick, Wendy will write while performing and double somersault backwards on a bmx...

“Wait a minute... you’re a patient?”
Okay, absolutely love that! I can *taste* the incredulous bite in their voice! Fantastic, Wendy!

At the rate this was going, by the time Dr Sutton had her test results she’d be six feet under.
The power of science will save you! The power of science will save you! The power of sci... back logged? Oh, sh...ugar. Sorry. Better luck in the next life! <g>

Love this, Wendy. Very, very nice little twist! I wonder where it's leading... <g>

“Sorry I took so long. One of Henderson’s guys wanted to ask me about Barbara Trevino.”
Oooh, that dirty liar! <g>

“Lois, my dear, that’s appalling!” He sounded utterly shocked, which was... nice. Reassuring. Even if she needed action from him rather than sympathy.

I absolutely love that! Simply adore it! That Luthor was shocked, which is actually very in character for him, but mostly, I love that Lois found that reassuring. That she's finding comfort in the fact that people will miss her. That her friends will miss her. That's... fantastic, Wendy. Not to mention the fact that you make it possible for us to put aside what we think of Luthor, knowing what kind of person he is, and see him through Lois's eyes. As a worried friend. Which, for me, is a big deal. <g>

He stepped towards her and began to massage the muscles gently. “Oh, that’s good,” she murmured.
That's... incredibly interesting. I don't know if you meant to draw that parallel between Clark and Lex, but I'm going to assume you did and praise you for a job well done. I absolutely love that. Lex, her friend, is able to provide the lab for her blood test. Clark, her friend, is there to rub her neck and provide security. And... there's no doubt in my mind about which is the bigger favour.

Oooh... I love the lead up to this...

The revelation!!

Alls I can say is, har! It's about time, Clark!

I'm fairly sure everybody has mentioned my favourite parts, but... God. I *love* the way Lois reacts. She just... overloads. Shuts down. Fan-bloody-tastic!

Superman was... well, Superman! And Clark was... Clark. Different guys. Different names. Different... well, just different. Totally different!
Absolutely adore that! Because... it's *so* true! Clark and Superman were different people. Of course they were. She'd known them both for ages. To think otherwise would be crazy. And... so, she must be going crazy to imagine Clark saying he's Superman, and... and... wow. <g>

“Lois, I didn’t tell anyone! You’re the smartest woman - smartest person - I know. You of all people have to be able to figure out why I don’t tell people about this.”
Holy hell, Wendy! This is going down as one of my all time favourite revelations. About anything. Ever. It's... absolutely perfect. How I always imagined the revelation should go.

Golly, Wendy. This was... amazing. <g>

Dave (off to revel in that revelation some more...)

'I just kind of died for you;
You just kind of stared at me'
- Aurora, Foo Fighters