I have read some places where people seem to think the worst possible decisions was to cast a non-brunette as Lois Lane. I have to admit I complained about it before seeing the film, but I am now not sure why. Why do we care what her hair color is?

This has lead me to an interesting observation. In Superman:The Animated Series and Smallville, Lois was an army brat (I am not sure if that was the case elsewhere, but I have the impression it was true in the later comics, probably from the 1980s forward if not sooner). Well, Amy Adams is really an army brat. She was born in Italy because her father was stationed there with the US army. I guess people obsess more about physical features than actor background, but there are some roles that if you cast someone in them who is not actually that (such as a role of a deaf person), people will be up in arms about it, so why can't we give them points for casting an army brat in an army brat role. I guess since they never say Lois is an army brat, they really don't get points.

In fact, Lois almost acts more as soldier than reporter. Am I remembering right that she mentions when we first see her about having been embedded with an army unit, or is that what one of he other people says to her?

John Pack Lambert