Why didn't he put his glasses on when he got dressed that morning?
This sounds like the result of a cut scene that maybe I should turn into a fan fic and post somewhere.

Clark and Lois are discussing his upcoming plan to get a job at the Daily Planet. (Obviously Lois knows Clark is going to apply for the job, she is not at all surprised to see him).

Lois:Clark, I think you need to try to protect your identity. It was a little to easy for me to figure it out.

Clark:Can I help you are the best investigative reporter there is?

Lois:Flatter will get you no where.

She kisses him, so he is left with mixed messages.

Lois:Well, OK, maybe my finding out is not the point, but everyone in Smallville knows.

Clark:Mainly just Pete and a few others. OK, Lana does too, but others have doubts.

Lois:Had doubts. Now they know there are super-powered beings.

Clark:Well, what can I do about it, it's not like I can kiss them to make them forget, not that I would want to kiss Lana, just you Lois.

Lois:OK, so maybe we can't do anything about people in Smallville knowing. But we sure better do something about people in Metropolis knowing. If you were some glasses maybe you would not look like Superman all the time.

Clark:Are you sure it will work.

Lois:Or you could put on this wig.

She pulls out a slightly hideous red wig.

Clark:I'd rather wear the glasses.

Lois:See, that wasn't hard.

John Pack Lambert