hyper hyper hyper

Omigosh. OMIGOSH. You're just about to give me a heart attack, Virginia. This is just about the best thread ever!

Of course, as an animation student, I *may* be biased.

I don't really know what I can add... I haven't really seen too many of the animated movies (most are on my to-watch list on Netflix and I've got too many other things to watch). I honestly love both Tim Daly and George Newbern in their voice acting portrayals of Superman. Supposedly (I heard) that Adam Baldwin voiced him in Superman/Doomsday, but I have no idea how that went over. I love the animation in the old Fleischer cartoons, but the stories weren't so great (although on par with the era-- not as serious as today's). Being a 90's kid, I of course mostly rely on S:TAS and JL/JLU cartoons for my cartoon Superman knowledge. (And to be fair I also loved Batman:TAS). I haven't really seen much late 2000's stuff, though I wish I had and that's why I'm doing so much catching up now.

Ooh. I'm too tired to keep going at this right now but there's loads of stuff here for me to talk about.

BTW, Virginia, I also happen to be rewatching a lot of the JL cartoons right now with my bro and friends. What a coinkydink. wink

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain