Originally posted by scifiJoan:
Lois & Clark was pretty good with continuity as was the Christopher Reeves movies like Virginia mentioned. I never watched Smallville. How was it with regards to continuity?
I doubt I'm the best one to answer this question. I've watched S1-5 (once) and just started into S6. There was a little confusion continuity wise in S5 when I thought Clark had broken up with Lana, but then they were still dating. dizzy I've also been confused with the continuity of Cloe's feelings for Clark. Sometimes she has a secret crush on him, and then I think she's moved on, only to have her kiss him again out of nowhere. huh I think she's finally moved on for good this time (S6). grovel

Time will tell how the newly introduced Jimmy works out here. He, too, is blonde, not a red hair in sight.

Lois's backstory is similar to that in the comics (only her mom's dead). She's introduced to Clark via her cousin Cloe while Clark's still in high school. (See KatherineKent's WAFFy fanfic story The Kissing Booth for an example of what I mean.) Lois is also a year older and has a lot more world experience than Clark.

Kryptonite acts different in Smallville because it effects everyone. Anyone who was exposed to the meteor shower Clark arrived on, could end up with weird abilities. (Kind of like Human + Kryptonite = X-Men). Thankfully, that story device is mostly phasing out, except they had another meteor shower in S5, so maybe they'll bring back that aspect of the show in the later seasons. I hope not.

This show does sometimes mention things from the past, which I can't recall (since I seem to watch the DVDs less regularly than once a week), which can be confusing.

There was a horrible storyline with Lana as the reincarnated soul of a witch burned at the stake back in S4, I think, which I could have lived without. Even though I've watched the entire plot arc, I still have no idea what it was about because it was pretty convoluted and confusing and never seemed to have a point. Somehow the witch and Clark, or Krypton maybe or Kryptonian mythology, had something to do with one another. I don't know. I never understood it. I'm just glad it's over.

There's one nice continuity thing that Smallville does. It has been slowly introducing (via cameos) other Justice League and DC characters, and showing their origin stories as they stumble through Smallville for one reason or another. So far, we've seen Aquaman, Flash, and a couple of others I can't recall off the top of my head. Green Arrow has just been introduced as a recurring character (S6) and another foe against Lex. I don't know if this is the same Green Arrow (a spin-off) as the new Green Arrow TV show though.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.