Wow. This is a better response than I'd dared hope for. smile

I can see we're going to have to get organized soon.

Of course, first we'll need some authors to submit their stories to the pool.

Regarding accents: I don't think that'll be a problem.

The way I see it: None of us is going to sound like Dean or Teri. We all have our own voices and accents. There are a large number of distinct accents just within the US. We've got FoLCs around the world. We've also (hopefully) got a lot of stories to cover.

In short: if we start turning away willing volunteers just because their voices don't "sound right," we'll be left with no one.

This isn't official, but I figure that we'll be best off following LibriVox's lead. As long as you're willing and able to read clearly, you'll be welcome. If we have a bunch of different accents, well, that just reflects the diversity of the fandom.

Remember, too, that the archive does have that "stories in other languages" section. If anyone fluent wants to take a crack at those (assuming, of course, that the author grants permission), that would be pretty cool, too.


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.