If you guyz thought my comments were "terse", and got offended by a question, how could you handle real tough critisizing of your stories??
Why would they have to? This is a hobby, a bit of fun, it's not paid work. If authors and vidders want to venture into the rough and tumble of the publishing world, then that's a whole new ball of wax.

Which isn't to say they couldn't handle criticism or that it's unheard of. But there's a world of difference between constructive criticism, which is helpful and most often than not appreciated by the vidders and authors here on the mbs, and the kind of comments previously made by you, which were simply rude and abrasive.

It is generally a rule of these mbs, too, that you confine your comments/constructive criticism to the story/video and refrain from making personal criticism of/attacks on individual board members. If you're not aware of this net convention, that's generally called 'flaming' someone and most net communities take a dim view of it. A rule you sailed very close to breaking. I wouldn't say you flamed anyone - yet. But it wasn't far off.

Just like she should not have taken offense to me being curiuos, I just asked a question!
Hardly that, DigitalSky. Had you simply asked a question no one would have taken offence. But, of course, it's not the questions asked, but the way in which they're expressed. Worded as they are, your questions sound more like challenges or baiting than curiosity. As someone has already said - there's been an aggressive undertone to the way they've been worded.

It is difficult sometimes in the medium of a messageboard to express yourself clearly. Often, people come across as meaning one thing when they don't intend to sound that way. If this is the case with you and you simply don't see how aggressive and rude you are appearing to others, then perhaps you could think a little more about how you express your questions. Dial it down a little. wink The FoLCs here are generally a friendly and accommodating bunch - if they're treated that way in the first place.

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers