Alright...against my better judgement I am showing you FoLCs this vid.

This music video is dedicated to my three good pals: Rachel, Jen and Steph. You guys are so supportive and I thank you for that. Since none of you three have seen it before I post let me just say...Don't Kill Me!

I have better vids in the making! I was just wired on Ice Tea at the time of making this one.

The song is called I Won't Say I'm In Love by Susan Egan...yes it is off of the Disney movie: Hercules. blush blush

My work is tending kids all day. So in the afternoon we watch movies. Anyways to make a long story short, I heard the song, thought of Lois, yada yada yada a vid was made!

Its FLUFF pure and simple!! You have been warned! Comments good or bad are welcome, any comment is welcome...

I Won\'t Say I\'m In Love

Later Days!

Am I gay? I'm ECSTATIC!

Thanks Weisz and Rae for the Rockin Icon.