Okay, I am too lazy right now to look up exactly who made each video, but my top three (too lazy to think of FIVE) in order are:

1. "Every Little Thing She Does is Magic" - The video is what made me like the song all over again. The scenes correspond so well with the words. Now I cannot listen to this song without replaying scenes from L&C in my head. Perfect!

2. "Kiss You All Over" - I had never heard this song until I saw the video. It is so passionate and full of unrequited tension. Love it!

3. "Miss Independent" - First of all, Kelly Clarkson rocks with or without L&C, but put two of my favorites together, and you've got a winner. Plus I like that it's about Lois and all of her feisty ways.

Unfortunately, I haven't even seen half of the videos available, but I've got two weeks off right now to catch up. After I do that, I will post an addendum with my other two choices.

Clark: "Lois, you know, I really hope someday that you learn, that sometimes what it seems like people are doing isn't what they're really doing."
Lois: "What are you, a fortune cookie?"