okay, I'm back online and soooo much to catch up with, holy smokes.

As for this... Wow. Oh wow. Wow... Actually, I had to watch this twice before I "got it", because this is exactly the same feeling I got the first time I watched my own trailer for Masques: really slow in the beginning until the images/music/bam! really sets off, so the trailer seems shorter than what it really is. But nevertheless, really loved the beautiful set-up of the text in the beginning!!

And I thought it was really really clever with the way you handled all those snow-images. Gave me goose-bumbs: I got cold just by watching. wink

And the atmosphere is utterly and absolutely and positively totally brilliant. /me sighs... okay, I'll stop gushing now. but it was just so.. 'kay, fine.

Pelican (you know, this was just reeaallyy good...)

Such a little thing really, a kiss...most people don't give it a moment's consideration. They kiss on meeting, they kiss on parting, that simple touching of flesh is taken entirely for granted as a basic human right.

Susan Kay