Ding ding ding. Bright shiny gold star for Aria.

Yes, that song is Carribean Blue.

For some reason, whenever I would read SoMH while beta-ing, I could so completely picture these dim, velvety gray forests with snow falling and everything soft and muted, totally silent. And always in the background was the music from Carribean Blue.

So when I sat down to do the trailer, the music was a quick and easy choice. My only concern was that Lab would hate it. I personally love Enya, but I know that she seems to inspire kind of a love it/hate it reaction, and I didn't know which side of the fence Lab might be on.

Thanks to everyone for all of the great feedback. I have to admit that this trailer was by far the hardest one I've ever attempted because there was simply no video imagery of Lois and Clark and dark, snowy woods and cabins. In the end, I decided to try to evoke atmosphere - to graphically portray the feelings that the story inspired in me as I could just see these forests.

And thanks, Lab, for giving me something so rich in imagery to work with. I knew from the get-go what I wanted to do. It was just finding something that would work that stumped me.


You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah