another great post, chris. smile i like lois's reaction. takes her a little while to absorb the idea, but then she's okay with it. love that "kiss me properly" bit. laugh

very nice kisses, too. smile

love this part:

CJ nodded and joined in the laughter. "I know!" Suddenly the laughter left him. "But the kisses... They had been the first for me in a way – they've been the first that have really mattered to me."
very nice.

i'm glad to see their determination. looks like it may finally be paying off, though i don't remember a doctor saxon.

oh. one little note. i looked into smart kids relatively recently for an un-twist, and i checked back when i saw the name "amy valdez" (actually, daneel pointed out the name and the smart kids connection last night, before i read this part). the name (in the primary l&c universe, anyway) is spelled aymee valdes.

in any case, i'm looking forward, as always, to seeing where this goes. the new lead has me intrigued.


EDIT: just noticed chris said she posted because i asked for it. cool! thanks! smile

When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.