Hey all!

First of all, I want to thank you all for even taking the time to watch the trailers. I imagine you all watched it out of curiosity, wondering what the heck I was up to now, and whose and what story I was trying to present.

So, what was I up to? I actually had to ask myself that a few times before I finally told Wendy I had an idea on how to make a trailer for the story. Did I really want to do it? Yes! Did I have the guts? Uncertain. <g>

After all, this was for a UPCOMING story, so I was in the danger of ruining the whole thing. By doing something wrong, people might not be left with the impression that this was in fact a *very good* story. That was my biggest concern. So I was actually kind of tempted to tell Wendy that story was absolutely terrific (!!), but I had no idea on how to make a trailer for it...<g>

Nevertheless, that thought didn't stick for very long. I gave it a shot, and now I'm glad I did. I really wanted to make a trailer for a Christmas fic before it was too late, and I'm just glad Wendy didn't fight me off with a stick when I said I had finished it. <g>

When I made this, I did it out of two reasons:

1) It's a heck of a lot of *fun* do make something like this!! smile1

And this trailer makes me want to read the story.
Wonderful, Pel! This truly is a trailer, and a great teaser to boot as now I can't wait to read the actual story.
I can't wait to read the story now.
I've watched it three times as well and am at the point that I want to read the story,
Can't wait to read the story.
I'm *thrilled* when someone says that!! goofy

I had a complete story on my hard drive... so I couldn't resist the lure of the DCC. Pel said that she would see what she could do.
And so I did. Though I was actaully terrified when I read it, afraid I might ruin it..<G> Glad to hear you weren't disappointed!!

And, Pel, the first time I saw the completed version it brought a tear to my eye. You are that talented.
blush ...
Thank you for being such a talented writer, and when I read it, it brought a tear to *my* eye. Well, okay, more than one. <g> Hoping you'll let my try this again one day!

and I can't wait for the next one! Consider yourself nagged mercilessly!
LOL! Well, I really want to avoid those shears <g>, so I'll see what I can do. Another trailer is coming up later on, I hope.

Thank you all for watching it! All credit goes to Wendy, though, and Kaylle. One for writing such a wonderful story *and* letting me read it before it was posted, and the other one for staying up very late to help me through the frustration when I had a little problem with this clip that lasted about two seconds <g> *and* helping me fix it. And between that, some hilarious discussions, saying everything about nothing, and how annoying it was that all of our friends fell in love with our brothers goofy


Such a little thing really, a kiss...most people don't give it a moment's consideration. They kiss on meeting, they kiss on parting, that simple touching of flesh is taken entirely for granted as a basic human right.

Susan Kay