I have to say I always thought the part where altClark tells Clark that he's the luckiest person alive, and Clark replies, "I know," was mean. It's like rubbing it in.
Although I can see where you're coming from, I'm going to have to disagree. I always thought it was the best thing he could say in this situation. After all, wouldn't it have been a worse slap in the face to Alt-Clark if Clark would have blown it off, taking everything for granted? "Eh, some days are better than others" or similar. By saying "I know" he's telling Alt-Clark that he appreciates what he has and is truly thankful for it. The sad note in his voice says he is imagining how painful it must be for Alt-Clark to watch from the outside, and that he wishes Alt-Clark could have what he has, too. But he tried to keep it short so as not to rub his face in it. He could have said. "Yeah, I know. I mean, I can't imagine how much my life would suck if I was you and you were me." <G>


Being a reporter is as much a diagnosis as a job description. ~Anna Quindlen