Thanks for your opinions guys [but feel free to still vote if you haven't yet wink ].

As for me, I've decided to go with shorter chapters, more often and once it's done, or close to done, post two chapters at once EOD or so. Otherwise, it'll be eons before it's done.

And for the record, On The Other Hand *is* mapped out, etc. and I currently have enough to post for a couple months AT LEAST on the above schedule. And really, if it came down to it, I could stick a line about... well, I won't put the line here wink , but could stick a line in at more than one spot and call it done and then the rest for a sequel. I know you weren't talking about OTOH in particular there. I admit to being a bit sensitive about it because I saw a recent post to that effect on MissyG's What's Love fic [not sure who it was] FDK thread. I do understand the frustration, but believe me when I say that no one is more frustrated about that than she is - in large part because of everything that's happened in her life since she was last able to work on it. I do know there are some people who stop fics out of apathy or whatever, but I'd bet that most who do do so because of RL problems rather than anything else. Just my .02 there wink .

Back to editing OTOH... Look for it no later than Monday [but hopefully this week smile ].
