I voted for shorter chapters Carol. Personally I find it off-putting when I open a story and the scroll bar is like a cm long. I just think there is no way I can wade through all this and I either skim it or don't even bother. I don't like to miss out on good fics, but there are some that I haven't read because I just don't have the time or patience to sit down and concentrate for the length of time required.
That said, it's different when it's an author/story that I know and love, then I value longer chapters. But you need to reel me in first. smile

Go shorter! As for posting frequency, give people a chance to fdk and look forward to the next installment. Shorter chpts too often amounts to the same thing as long ones less often. I don't like to be over-worked, lol. But that's just me. smile

When Life Gives You Green Velvet Curtains, Make a Green Velvet Dress.