I think I see where your leaning, especially after looking at the results again.

Can't believe that many people would want the kid to know before hand. Though, I did actually vote for that one, but I think I skipped the stuff in the ( ), if I had, then I would have voted with the group that says the kid figures it out when Clark becomes Superman, or the kid doesn't find out until later in the series.

Of course, if they stay in Smallville for very long, Kryptonite would definitely come into play.

(which always bothered me. All these criminals are getting their hands on this glowing rock and the only source in this series seems to be Kansas...They must all be dumb or somethin'!)

Yeah, it would be no fun is there wasn't ANY revelation potential, but I just can't buy Lois not knowing at some point during those initial 10 years...


“…with God everything is possible.” Matthew 19:26.

Also read Nan's Terran Underground!