I do like the 10 year marriage idea simply because we would get to more of them married, but, I agree with Coolgirl that perhaps beginning the series that way might not be as interesting. I have always wanted to read Clark better standing up to Lois for how horribly she treats him in the beginning. I would think no matter how great his lust and admiration for her, after a while enough would be enough. Seems like M and J would agree with their son on this as well.

Speaking of M and J-maybe we could also include some flashbacks to young Clark. Some time ago on here we were talking about what if there had been more of a message in Clark's spaceship. Perhaps a note or other more instant message so to speak. This could be Kryptonite related or simply something to M and J if we want to believe that Jor-El and Lara had somehow chosen them for Clark-even not just something to the person who found Clark.

So many possibilities! cool
