Still not sold on the kid, but I can go with it.

It could go either way. Without kid, more of a chance for Clark to be a lunkhead. And, the NKers could save the day.

With kid, he could be used for flavor and Jimmy would finally get some additional cash...(ten years old is not old enough to stay home alone.)

And, ten year olds could be so prone to accidents...kidnappings...strange sicknesses, etc...

I also think it would be IMPOSSIBLE for Lois to NOT know that Clark has some genetic perks. She may be galactically stupid, but that would take someone without an EEG.

Besides, one of the nice things we could do with this series is have flashbacks for the last 10 years interspersed with the episodes. That way we don't to cough up a whole backstory at one time, though we would have to come up with one behind the scenes for our Rewritten Adventures of Superman bible.

I also would like to suggest taking QoC's idea for the series title.

The Rewritten Adventures of Superman.


“…with God everything is possible.” Matthew 19:26.

Also read Nan's Terran Underground!