To me, Dean never seemed really comfortable playing Superman, and I thought Chris Reeve did it better. Unlike Dean, Chris Reeve seemed to be enjoying himself playing the superhero in spandex. Brandon Routh was graceful and beautiful, but he was a bit, well, expressionless. So my vote goes to Chris Reeve.

As for Clark Kent, well, there are no contenders, are there? Dean wins hands down, and the people behind the show must have cast him because he was such a great Clark Kent. But we should remember that Dean was the only one who got the chance to turn Clark Kent into a real person.

Similarly, Teri Hatcher was almost frighteningly perfect as Lois Lane. She had the perfect Lois looks (unlike Margot Kidder and Kate Bosworth), and with her great acting ability, she gave us a wonderful Lois.

As for Lex.... People, I don't like Lex. I honestly, honestly don't like him. I don't have a favorite Lex. I voted 'other', but in my case it means 'no one'.
