I read anything and everything (whether I have the time/inclination to feedback as I would like to is an entirely different issue).It's certainly disappointing when a story is unfinished, but if there's anything I've learned from my reading obsession (both in and outside of fanfic) is to enjoy the ride. I love speculating on where a given author will take me once I'm drawn into his-her world. That to me is enough, so that I don't necessarily swear off unfinished stories.

Haunting Eden (for example) as Kathy mentioned is one of those where the ride is worth it despite the abscence of an ending (thus far). I could say the same for TJ Gruffs and Concubines. All in all, if I'm drawn in by a story (or already worship the author) it matters little to me whether its finished. I mean of course I'd love it all the more if it was, but that doesn't mean I don't savor every word all the same.

One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan