Lois & Clark/fanfiction was the genre that helped me discover my inner writing. Lois & Clark helped me discover my love for journalism. I'd also enjoyed reading the newspaper as a kid (my younger sister just thought I was trying to be like my dad goofy ) but after watching LnC, then I knew why.

I HATED writing growing up. Then I took a Creative Writing course in college, and realized there was so much more to it.

I basically write because it's in my blood. My grandfather whom I never met (because he died when my dad was 16) was a writer. In fact, he wrote a story about his experience in World War II that made it on Playhouse 90.

I write because my muse won't shut up! I have dialoges and scenes playing throughout my head every day. Lots of plot ideas come to me while I'm by myself...while I'm relaxed. I too have those nightime movies, but those usually turn into the solution to a problem with a certain scene I'm thinking about, or a future plot line I'd like to see.

If no one read my work, I'd be fine with it, because I write because it's theraputic. My writing has helped me through many rough spots in my life. It helped me deal with feeling alone, and not having someone to love me. Now that I do have someone to love it's enriched my writing even more, and I can convey that same emotion for my characters.

I also have to admit that I write for the recognition, and applause. I'd love to be nominated for a Kerth, and win one someday...but if that never happens, I'm okay with it as well.

My writing also extends into my SOSL&C newsletter and Lord of the Rings fanzine I produce. I love working on the layout of a publication, writing articles, and working with a staff of friends. I thrive off the stress of publication deadlines, and such. laugh