Eep, Question No. 1 was tough! I finally put that it's my escape, but it's so much more than a form of entertainment for me. It's what I love.

It's hard to pin down exactly why I write so much — I've been enamored with the entire process since I could put pencil to paper as a kid. I'm not trying to sound like one of those pompous, overbearing people we all love to hate when they say that writing is easy.

It's not.

But I think people can have a natural knack for it, and I'm one of those. Stringing words together to form the sentences that form stories just makes sense to me (if that makes sense). Inspiration may not always come easy, but the actual process does.

As a print journalism major at UK, and as an editor at our independent daily student-run newspaper, I write and edit news and feature stories, profiles, editorials, and a twice-monthy column. It's almost second nature to be hammering out deadline pieces at the keyboard. It's something I can't imagine not doing. And, as for Question No. 2, while reader feedback is always nice (wait, make that *incredible* from these boards, guys!), I'd do it anyway.

~ Crystal

"Not all those who wander are lost." — JRR Tolkien