Thanks, Vicki. Good to know. I'm not too familiar with how exactly these things work. I guess we'll see how the votes go. If you're sure about which Administration would be involved, then let's just say I got my alphabet soup stirred up a bit. wink Dan is someone Lois knows who would be inclined to treat her nicely and who works for the government, investigating drug traffic. If she wants to ask a question or pass on some information, she'd probably start with him.

As for a good story, that's more my problem. wink If it's something the readers think she should and would do, then I'll work it in as best I can. Her actions should be based on what makes the most sense. Reality can be annoying at times for writers, but it's best to try to deal with it rather than putting it off as inconvenient.

Fortunately, even if you guys control Lois and Clark, I have control of... the whole rest of the universe!! MWA-HA-HA-HA!!


What I mean is that, as a writer, I have the ability to make things happen (or not happen), thus allowing things to proceed in a fitting way. For example, if people vote to have Lois call Dan and if I don't want Dan actually in the story, then I can simply make him too busy to be able to show up, thus restricting his interaction to a simple phone call. We'll see how the votes go and how I feel about things. In any case, my point is that you should vote based on what you think Lois should do and try not to worry about it making a bad story.

I do hope that makes some sense.


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.