The headlights on his rental car are misaligned and pointing up too much. Because of this, they are tricking the streetlamp sensors into thinking it is daytime, and they shut off momentarily until it goes dark again and the car has passed. I know for sure that this can happen because my car did it at one point and, good lord, it was quite annoying until I got it fixed.
Wow. Here in California the sensors are on top of the poles, so I would be impossible for misaligned headlights to trigger them. I admit I never drove that much around housing areas at night in Arlington, but I know in the city itself they never went off until daylight. This was with nearly continuous traffic all night. I lived in Crystal City near the Pentagon.
Yes, it is an atmospheric line, but if few people have experienced the phenomenon it's confusing without more explanation. I guess I was concentrating on a sick Superman and didn't pay attention to the misaligned headlights. Maybe add something like "my headlights are tripping the sensors again."
Thanks for explanation.
As for this:
You're saying that a six-year old has clear memories from when she was four? Hmm. In my experience, that's pretty uncommon
I'd buy a six year old. I have memories from when I was 2 and I'm now ~~~```mumble. Well, old. If it's a traumatic event it will stick in some manner.

History is easy once you've lived it. - Duncan MacLeod
Writing history is easy once you've lived it. - Artemis