Coming late to this thread, having been away from a PC all day - and all I can do is echo everyone else, really! smile Actually, I'm somewhat surprised, but also very pleased, to see how many of us feel the same way about this.

I hate 'chatspeak' and 'txt-speak' with a vengeance. As others have said, what is so difficult about writing 'anyone' instead of (the version I've seen) N E one - which actually takes longer to type?! razz

But the reason I was surprised is that we have had in recent years a few younger FoLCs - and at least one not all that young - who seemed to like 'txt-speak' and even used it on message boards - I remember one person telling us that he used it because he was 'young' (in his 20s, I think) and it was 'kewl', unlike writing in proper English. I think we were meant to assume that we were not young and not cool... goofy

At the same time, though, I probably shouldn't be that surprised. A couple of people have mentioned fanfic - and I think lots of us recognise how far superior L&C fanfic is to fanfic in many other fandoms in terms of its presentation: spelling, grammar, syntax etc. Sure, Archive GEs help, but in my several years as a GE I've very rarely seen stories as poorly presented as I've seen in other fandoms.

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*