Chat speak makes me sick. It's the reason I don't talk to my little sister online. She drives me nuts! I wondered if it was an age/generation thing, but she is 20 and still does it while teenagers on this board use perfect English. Then I thought maybe it reflected on a person's intelligence . . . but, no, my sister is pretty smart. Finally, I decided it is lazyness. How much harder is it to type you instead of u, and how much harder is it to type anyway instead of neway. I mean, my gosh, it's only one more letter! The one that makes me laugh is my best friend's sister (who is 19 and is my sister's friend) uses sum=some and a very similar c word =come . . . and both words have different meanings that she didn't even realize! I noticed that when I am on IM, I tend not to capitolize things. However, when I am posting, I write complete sentances always. I think chatting is more like a conversation rather than a soliloque trying to show your opinion.

- LaUrA ;)nEwAy, KaEtHeL, iF u WrT uR fIc lIkE tHaT, IlL wRt MiNe LiKe ThIs (omg (oh, that's an abreviation I use because some people might be offended by the entire phrase that I mean) that was so hard to do! It took me like 5 minutes to write that sentance making sure I was capitolizing the right letters in the right pattern -- and I see I missed one!)

- Laura smile

PS I can't spell at all -- those people that have chatted with me know that smile . Add that to the fact that I don't touch type, and often you have me writing things that look likeI am crazy.

PPS I am done studying for my exam dance However, I have to be up in just under 4 hours. We'll see how good I feel in the morning wink .

Laura "The Yellow Dart" U. (Alicia U. on the archive)

"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles." -- Christopher Reeve