Oh, Mike was definitely one of the most irritating characters in the entire series. I hated the role he played and the importance they gave him in that ep. It totally ruined the wedding episode for me. But I didn't include him because he wasn't a recurring character.

As for my most hated recurring character, I'm fascinated to see that the majority agrees with me. Star is my choice right the way down the line. She is annoying, a waste of space, exactly the kind of person I would go out of my way to avoid. And I can not see Lois listening to her 'psychic' stuff for even a second, much less considering Star a friend. She'd dismiss her as a complete flake and keep out of her way.

And there's another reason why I dislike her: she was the only recurring black character in the series, and that's all they could come up with for her?!?! huh

Thanks for telling me what you think!

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*