Okay, It was a tough choice between Jack and Star, but in the end... I chose Star.

I know I said I hated Jack (and I did), but he had a use in the one episode and was gone within a couple more. I still don't buy into his 'turning his life around because Clark was nice to him' routine. Nor would anyone with his attitude ever have been able to stay employed for more than two hours.

So, while I didn't like Jack's character and didn't see much use for it, Star was really annoying. Her character was created to be an unnecessesary comic relief. Only it turned out to be comic cringing everytime she came on screen. The only decent thing she ever did on the show was that she was used to give a nod to classic Lois Lane artist Kurt Shaffenberger.

Tank (who almost got to meet Mr. Shaffenberger but he took ill just before he was sheduled to attend our convention)