I voted Dr. Friskin as the most useless character. Her role could have been better filled by the Kents (for Clark) and Lucy (for Lois)...that and she grated on my nerves.

Jack's a close second in the most useless character category but he was fun and I liked him. I also liked his friendship with Clark.

HG Wells - a lot of people dislike this character and I'm rather indifferent to him myself. But without him we wouldn't have met Tempus who was the best foil for Superman since Lex left so he was obviously good for something.

Cat, as well as Star, could have been developed into an interesting character. Lois was in dire need of some female friends - it was actually really disappointing that she seemed to have an antagonistic relationship with every other woman on the show save for a few. And those characters usually disappeared after and episode or two. So these two characters were useless but more for lack of trying than being redundant (like Dr. Friskin and Jack).

Inspector Henderson rocked! He was sorely underutilized by the series...I was sad that he was only around for the first season.

Mayson and Dan were both catalysts in helping Lois and Clark realizing their true feelings for each other. Besides I liked both characters even if most FoLCs don't. :p Also, I think both had potential as characters that were antagonistic to Clark/Superman and yet still be a "good guy" , which could have been interesting.

"Let us remember that there is a creative force in this universe, working to pull down the gigantic mountains of evil, a power that is able to make a way out of no way and trasform dark yesterdays into bright tomorrows. Let us realize the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice."
-- Martin Luther King Jr.