Just to clear up - or have someone else clear up <g> - a couple of points regarding Mel's post:

Firstly - has it been edited by Mel subsequent to the posts in reaction to it? And if so are some of us reacting to the new post and not the original content and thus having our impressions of the reaction to Mel's comments distorted?

When I read the thread yesterday I thought Mel's post (as it stands right now) was a little risque but not that terrible. However reference in a subsequent post which I've just caught up with this morning to 'sitting on a towel' - content which doesn't appear in Mel's post as it now stands - now makes me think that Pam and Missy's posts were in response to other content which is now not visible in the thread.

If so this could obviously be distorting impressions of what was originally said and what was said in reaction to the original comment. And could be making the reaction posts seem harsher than they were, since what they were reacting to is no longer visible to those of us who came late to the discussion and didn't view the original.

So perhaps we shouldn't judge those who responded to the original unless we see what they were responding to.

Secondly, whether individuals of any age were offended or not offended really isn't the point, as Annie has pointed out. It's the parents of the underagers reading this that we have to look out for. wink We've all seen incidents in the past on other forums where the parents of little Suzy have been less than pleased to glance over her shoulder when she's been online and seen some salacious content and threats of legal retribution start flying like blizzards thereafter. razz It's this kind of consideration that the admins of the forums have to take into account in this kind of circumstance.

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers