hey, someone else voted for DOS/win 3.11! cool. smile

so, who are you?

to clarify my vote, we've got a few computers in the house. dad's runs ME, mine runs XP, and mom's (which used to be the only one in the house and which was under my primary care) runs win 3.11.

i had fun with it, and didn't so much fight with config.sys and autoexec.bat as update them on a semi-regular basis. i got to know both files (as well as a couple others) fairly well. i also upgraded the thing by hand, with gateway tech support (from back in their early growing stages) talking me through the difficult jobs step by step, sometimes spending hours on the phone.

the comp, btw, is a 90mhz system, bought a week after they came out with the seriously fast 100mhz systems. it's got a blazing fast 14.4 modem, and the original unthinkably huge 1 gig hdd (one of the first!) has now been replaced with two 2.2 gig drives. it uses an old version of compuserve with paid connect time and no local access # (the extended network requires updated software). it's a little shy on memory to run win 95.

as for unix, linux, and lynx, my school computer system runs on unix (which can, of course, interface with a linux box). i've been learning it slowly. tried using lynx, but i like graphics too much. luckily, the default browser on the school system is netscape. even more luckily, netscape is actually relatively stable on unix.

the thing i really want to say, though, is that i object to your use of the term "operating system" in reference to various programs which contain the word "windows" in the title. :p


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.