Let's see.. it all depends on the day, and where I am. Two days a week, I do what's called "Hotline", which means I sit in the supervisor area at 2 Win98 machines and talk to ISP's. We're technically not allowed to use IRC at work, so I telnet home and use IRC on my home linux machine. I love technology! The other three days, I'm usually sitting at a station with a Win98 machine and the iMac running OS 9 & X. One of my programs only runs in OS 9, so I run Classic inside of X. That is, when the Windows monitor hasn't been reduced to a single white line running vertically through the middle of the screen. mad

At home in my computer room in my corner, I have a Windows XP machine, the aforesaid linux machine currently running Red Hat 9, and a mac I inherited from my father-in-law, which is never turned on. The other side of the room is my husband's computers, the 98 machine, the XP machine, and the Win2000 machine. Then, in the living room is where our laptops usually are.. I have the iBook, also running 9 inside of X, and hubby's Dell running XP. Nope, don't have enough computers. wink

I've honestly had no problems running either OS 9 or OS X. I've migrated completely to X, as I can do so much more with it than I can with 9.

I really think Kae's problem is her techs. Lemme at it, lemme at it! </cowardly lion> wink

"You need me. You wouldn't be much of a hero without a villain. And you do love being the hero, don't you. The cheering children, the swooning women, you love it so much, it's made you my most reliable accomplice." -- Lex Luthor to Superman, Question Authority, Justice League Unlimited