i put down "other." lois and clark live in my head. i give them a situation, they react to it, and there you go. it happens to a lesser degree with martha, jonathan, and perry. i think i've seen enough of pretty much all the main l&c characters that i can get a good feel for style. since i tend to focus on l&c, that's more or less all i need. if i have trouble writing someone else, well, they conveniently manage to not show up in the story that much. laugh

it's the other characters that i have trouble with, the ones i don't know very well, especially the ones i have to invent myself. i think that may be the hardest part. maybe.

the thing that i really have the most trouble with, actually, is the plots. i can come up with ideas left and right, and i can usually come up with the people i need to make them work. i can come up with a few things that i think should happen and a general direction, but i have a devil of a time trying to flesh out the plots. that's why my average fic length is less than 15k...


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.