Well, I have voted for Cat, although I have to say that I was tempted to go for 'villain' or 'other'. The thing is, sometimes villains cooperate, and other times they don't. Sometimes I can come up with what I hope is a convincing original character. Sometimes I can't.

Perry I find tricky, but if I fight with him for long enough, we usually reach an almost satisfactory compromise. I'm sure 'my' Perry's could be better, but I can usually live with what I come up with.

Lex... I think I'm doing okay with Lex these days. I hope so, anyway. However, sometimes he won't be evil enough for me. Then I really have to prod him with a poker.

Cat, though... Cat I find thoroughly intimidating as a character to write. In fact, I'm not sure that I have ever actually included her in any of my stories, and it is simply because I don't think I could do her convincingly.

So, my answer is, it depends upon the circumstances.
