For years, I've used AVG as my anti-virus program. And for years, it has worked quietly in the background, working without hassle.

Then, last week, when I booted up my pc, I got a message to update. I've updated plenty of times without any problems, but this time it was nothing but hassle, error codes, all kinds of weird stuff.

Finally, I got it installed. And it's been nothing but issues since. Especially, an error message which keeps popping up when I boot up.

So, finally, having had enough, I decided to uninstall and go with another AV program. And that's where the fun really started!

I first tried the uninstall on the program. AVG went through its process - as though it was installing, not uninstalling. At the end, it asked me to reboot. I did.

Then, I did a search for stray AVG files still on the system. And found 270+. I'm not sure WHAT files the uninstall was supposed to have taken out. None of them, far as I can tell! I still have the AVG icon on my status bar, too.

So, I tried deleting the files that showed up in my search. But it won't let me delete most of them.

Then, I tried add/remove program - and IT tells me it's ignored my request because AVG isn't on my system and hasn't been installed in the first place. dizzy Despite the fact that it's listed in the dang add/remove program list of programs.! I just want this stupid program off my system, so it quits sending me error messages (and, I suspect slowing down my pc, as I've had real issues with it being slow to do anything since I installed the update).

Any help in getting there will be appreciated!

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers